You will see the Google spreadsheet, and click on add Sheet (or tap and hold on it.) 2) Tap Get Sheets. 3) Add to Home Screen How to create a Google Sheet & Share from iPhone — Window 1. Open the Google Sheets app. 2. Open the Sheets tab. 3. Tap Add Sheet (or tap and hold on it.) 4. Tap the drop-Down arrow to add a new sheet. 5. Click on the Get Sheets button at the bottom. 6. Enter the details provided on the page. 7. Share to other People. How to download Google sheets to your IOS app ’window 1. Open the IOS Sheets app. 2. Tap the sheet button. 3. Tap Get (or tap and hold on it.) Get Sheet is a button above the sheet tab. 4.
You're going to begin through your lab analyses on Google sheets or you could do them on Excel the sheets is convenient because you could use it at school then your files also linked up online so instead of writing out your pencil and paper set the axes draw the best-fit line or curve we're going to start to use this method you will see there certain things that allows you to do that are nice so open up your Google sheets I asked you to download and hit that plus circle down on the bottom new spreadsheet and you can title it L 2.3 zamboni Excel narration so I'm going to look at the acceleration of the Zamboni that we had in the hallway hit create and here we go so you have what looks like some sort of new spreadsheet now there's a video that you either have already or will look at in class and in that video we did frame by frame analysis so even if you didn't get to see that video still follow what you're doing here so in box a1 we're gonna set up the heading the first heading for our table in this box we're gonna put what we pulled directly off the video and that is the frame number so you'll write the title frame and b1 we're going to do something called adjusted frame and we'll get to that and c1 so you can move left and right just use your finger right on the screen and c1 you will put time and then parenthesis seconds and then in d1 you will enter distance now just in case you haven't noticed each time I'm finished typing there's a check that mid screen off to the right I'm about to click...