It enables you to convert any file type to PDF. You can convert HTML, XML and CSV. CloudConvert supports over 1000 formats. You can make the conversion in any device, and CloudConvert will make it available in an easy to find location. 2. Click the “Convert” button. 3. Select the type of conversion you want. 4. Click the “Start” button. Android. 1. Click “Add to Home Screen” to open the Home Screen. 2. From the left menu, tap “Apps”, select “Convert” 3. Tap the Google logo in the upper right corner of screen. 4. Click “Get Info”. 5. Select “CloudConvert”, “File Type”, “PDF” or “Image” from drop down menus. 6. Choose the image (or file type) of your choice for conversion. iOS. 1. Select from the “Convert” drop down menu. 2. Select the file you want to convert 3. Select “CloudConvert” from the search results. 4. Click Start. Windows. 1. Select from the “Convert” drop down menu. 2. Change the type of conversion you want. 3. Click “Start”. 3. Select “Convert” from the list of conversions available. 4. Click “Start”. Convert HTML to HTML PDF — convert-htm Convert HTML to HTML PDF (Beta) Convert your HTML or Plain Text files into PDF. HTML-to-PDF Convert. HTML.pdf ConvertHTML.html Convert HTML (TXT).html Convert HTML (PDF).pdf Convert plain text to PDF. Convert.pdf Convert text to PDF in HTML. Pdf_to_html Convert .htm to .pdf Convert text to PDF in HTML. Html_to_pdf Convert HTML to PDF — Convert-html Convert HTML to PDF (Beta) Convert your HTML or Plain Text files into a single .PDF file. Convert your HTML.html to PDF Create a PDF file from HTML code. Convert.htm Create PDF from HTML. Pdf Convert HTML texts to PDF. Convert.pdf Write HTML files to a PDF. Pdf Convert HTML texts to a PDF. Html Convert HTML text to PDF. Convert.html Convert HTML to PDF — Convert-html Convert from an HTML file to PDF in Google Chrome Under “Local Destinations,” select Save as PDF. 4. Click Save. Mac. 1.