Does someone like Escape? Are people who use this software very satisfied with it? Does anyone find escape useful? We created Escape because we saw the world of PDF editors, fillers, and other things. We tried several, and found that none of them had all the features we needed, and none of them fulfilled our requirements. So we developed Escape. Escape is an incredibly fast, lightweight, and flexible PDF editor and form filler. You can: — Convert existing PDFs with a click of a mouse or keyboard — Edit PDF file contents with an easy-to-use interface and a drag & drop PDF document workflow — Create your own PDFs or manipulate document content while you edit them — Quickly edit multiple PDFs in progress — Edit PDFs from anywhere You might not have to learn much at all to jump right in and start making amazing PDFs with Escape. Simply open or save, import or edit from the best free PDF readers, editors, forms, and other products. With an easy-to-use form generation tool, easily turn PDFs into form fields or other content. Or you can use Escape to: · create PDFs faster and easier with our Quick PDF Generator PDF generator · easily copy, move, resize, or add your own custom forms · quickly create forms easily with our handy custom form builder PDF generator · build PDF forms with just a few simple clicks · create forms and PDFs at the same time · export PDF forms and PDFs to other applications, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF and many more! Escape was designed from the ground up for speed and ease-of-use, with a streamlined interface and a focus on simplicity. We created Escape because the world needed a better, faster, more lightweight, and more enjoyable way to edit PDFs, and to fill and fill out forms, while working on them. We wanted your input! Furthermore, we're always willing to hear suggestions and feedback. Help is always welcome.