🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑 I would say that online exams are much better because the stress level is very less as compared to offline exams. Let's see the following points. (1) You don't have to fill the OMR sheet and just mark the answers on the computer which literally saves you around half an hour. Saving half hour is like solving 5–10 more questions. (2) In an offline exam when you fill the OMR ,there are chances that it might not get filled properly and it may not get corrected or in worse cases you might end up filling wrong responses which cannot be erased or sometimes people even skip one question in OMR resulting in all wrong responses further. This doesn't happen in online exams. So the only thing you need to worry is solving the question. However it may depend on person to person but in my view online exams have made giving exams so much easier. . . . . Please upvote ⬆️ my answer if it helped.😊
There's absolutely no pressure, but I'm definitely a lot more stressed out because of online exams. That's why I only do online exams. They're way more safe and do not have the same problems as offline exam. It's totally a different test as compared to offline exam. There are no right and wrong answers, every and any answer can be right or wrong, so why should I think about the problem again if I didn't solve it? That's the reason why when I do offline exams, I have to work more but when I do online exams, I can be stress-free. When you're an exam, when you think about the problem while you're solving and that's it. If I thought about the problem while solving at offline exam, I will spend more time on my exam. I will also spend more time on my exam because when I solve.